smart agricultural management based on remote land observation systems

Haz clic sobre la imagen para descargar el Manual MANUAL BUENAS PRACTICAS AGRICOLAS AGRICULTURA DE PRECISION

What We Do

The European Earth observation programme, Copernicus, formerly known as GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) will produce a very high amount of information in the coming years by observing the Earth via satellites.

The information obtained from this programme in and of itself does not represent any type of knowledge and, therefore, the need to convert this large quantity of information into knowledge with relevant social and economic value is urgent.

There is immense potential for the application of this type of data: i) in planning; ii) in monitoring; and iii) the management of all economic production activities;

This action aims to increase technological competencies and knowledge based on satellite images in strategic sectors like vines, olive trees, grains, fruit, vegetables, forestry, etc.

Who Participates

Coordinated by: University of Évora
Participating Partners: University of Évora, CICYTEX, FEVAL and IPN.
Collaboration from: COOP. AGROALIMENTARIAS DE EXTREMADURA-UNEXCA (includes 230 associated co-operatives, ATEVA (Associação Técnica dos Viticultores do Alentejo), EDIA (Empresa de Desenvolvimento e Infra-Estruturas do Alqueva, SA), ELAIA - SOVENA (Empresa produtora e comercializadora de azeite, ANPROMIS (Associação Nacional de produtores de milho), CERSUL (Agrupamento de produtores de cereais do Sul SA), FNOP (Federação Nacional das organizações de produtores de frutas e hortícolas), ANSUB (Associação de produtores florestais).

How We Do It

This action is implemented through the following activities:

  1. 1. Technological innovation and development based on the analysis and spatial and timed processing of satellite images to promote the innovative management of Mediterranean crops
  2. 2. The analysis of current production technologies and their respective crop-growing systems in order to verify how satellite images could optimise production factors (agronomically, economically and environmentally)
  3. 3. The production of best practices for crop management based on the use of satellite images
  4. 4. Activities involving the innovation (with young people and start-ups), transfer (start-ups and SMEs), dissemination (the general public), training (youth, start-ups and SMEs) and demonstration (end users, collaborating partners) of knowledge and innovative processes obtained, aimed at young people about to finish their higher education studies, companies (start-ups, SMEs, end users) and public administration departments


Activity Coordinator: Rafael Marques da Silva (UNIVERSIDADE DE EVORA) |